A blog by an Irishwoman, written in both English and Swedish, depending on what humour is on me....
En blogg av en irländska, skriven på svenska och engelska.
Just scroll down to find the English bits among the Swedish, or vice versa.

Ta Gaeilge agam freisin, más é an rud é go bhfuil éinne eile le Gaeilge ag léamh mo bhlagsa.

Ich verstehe auch ein bisschen Deutsch, je parle un petit peu francais och klarar av lite norska med.

Wondering about the background of the blog? They're the Cliffs of Moher, in the neighbouring county, County Clare, 8km long, 700m high, and magnificent. Well worth a visit if anyone is around the West of Ireland

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I'm back!

I'm back in business again, writing a bit in here and reading your blogs!
Holidays soon, thankfully.
My eldest daughter turned 18, amazing!
We had a glorious week of summer weather in Ireland, but the Weather Gods are making up for that now by pelting us with rain, like the rain we usually get, plus the backlog of rain we didn't get last week as well as penalties and fines for daring to not get rain for a week.
Still, I am ok with the rain, it softens the earth, nourishes and waters the fields and grass and plants and gives life.
I was at a Graduation Ceremony yesterday in Limerick, my brother became a medical doctor, Well Done J!

I have 2 weeks left of school until the holidays Yippee

1 comment:

  1. HÄlsningar från en ö till en annan! Grattis till din stora dotter och duktiga bror. Min dotter fyller 50 nästa år. Skrämmande!
    Kram /Kerstin
