A blog by an Irishwoman, written in both English and Swedish, depending on what humour is on me....
En blogg av en irländska, skriven på svenska och engelska.
Just scroll down to find the English bits among the Swedish, or vice versa.

Ta Gaeilge agam freisin, más é an rud é go bhfuil éinne eile le Gaeilge ag léamh mo bhlagsa.

Ich verstehe auch ein bisschen Deutsch, je parle un petit peu francais och klarar av lite norska med.

Wondering about the background of the blog? They're the Cliffs of Moher, in the neighbouring county, County Clare, 8km long, 700m high, and magnificent. Well worth a visit if anyone is around the West of Ireland

Monday, November 17, 2014

Sunday evening awe

Wonder and awe and beauty:
standing yesterday in the early evening quiet, outside the car-park of a GAA pitch in North Co.Meath, before me to the east, the rise and fall of the drumlins of this county, the tinge of dusk off to the east, pink and purple shades to the sky,
above me, powder blue sky, and to the west, the few clouds had taken on hues of peach and cream, touched by the rays of the setting sun.
I am standing beside a bus, from the hall in front of me comes the sounds of people laughing, singing, dancing;
These are  the sounds of joy from the supporters of our Ladies Football team; our lovely young women, our daughters and grand-daughters played a most wonderful game of Gaelic football and conceded not a single point to win by 1-13 to no score.
So I breathe in the damp cool air, rejoice quietly in the beauty around me, the November countryside, the fog beginning to lift from the wet fields, the last few crows flying home, the stillness of the Irish countryside and I give thanks for it all, the fire and fitness of the girls, the commitment and the determination, the managers who give of their time voluntarily, the supporters who travelled for 4 hours to watch a match, the generosity of the people in the North Meath club who fed us and were so dignified towards us, even though their own daughters must have been so disappointed to lose.
I give thanks  and I am struck by how absolutely beautiful it is to be in Ireland in that spot at that moment and to be witness to all these wonderful things. And in I go to rejoin the celebrations in the hall.