couldn't resist this clematis catching the rays of the evening sun...
Indeed, I am still alive and kicking, although I haven't posted on the blogg for 10 days! School, life, kids, etc, combine to make my time busy. Hayfever and a cold added to the need for sleep, so the laptop remained closed after 9pm most nights. I may have posted comments on your blogs, but my own has had to wait. I'm off again shortly to deposit a child to a youth club, so this post will be edited later tonight...
Later, phew, thank goodness it's Friday and we can take a break for 2 whole days....
Off shortly to collect child 2 from her friend's house.
Just did a few maths questions online for the course, phew, they were not easy, complex numbers a + ib, and that sort of thing...
I got to see the giant blanket made by the art student Eilish Tuite in Limerick last weekend. I was even able to spot some of the patches I had knitted for it!
Last weekend was very warm, up to 24 degrees. My 4 year old got his allergy last weekend, it affects his eyes and I had to give him anti-histamine and eye-drops, as well as steroid tablets prescribed by the doctor to reduce the inflammation. This is his 3rd time getting this reaction, he got it early June last year and the previous year. Looks like this is part of his picture for now...
My 2 teenagers have only one more week in school, they've all their summer tests next week. Plenty of study this weekend then...
I have more than a month left till I get holidays. But it'll be almost a holiday not to have to get the 2 eldest girls up early for the school bus every morning. Plus they can help out more during the day! (That's the plan, let's see how the reality works out... blackmail and bribery may also play a part - no housework, no credit for the mobiles!)
Plenty otherwise to keep me busy, the last of the maths course, paperwork for school, cognitive psychology to read, housework, gardening, and knitting... I've started a blue and cream cardi top, self designing a bit.... we'll see how that goes too... pics to follow...
Hej på er, jag lever...
Vi har det bra, det knallar och går, måste tyvärr kila nu, för att hämta en dotter, men återkommer säkert under helgen...
hoppas ni har en bra helg alla dem som kikar in här hos mig...