Hello all!!
The laptop is fixed and updated to Windows 7 and all is well. I have installed parental controls so the daughters can only use the laptop for 1 hour a day during the week and I have changed passwords, and given the daughters a separate non-admin account so there's no way they can access my stuff, or change passwords, or change programs etc so I get to use the laptop more, if I had time that is! I'm not blaming them for the laptop breaking down, cos it was a separate issue, I'm just saying that now that they're all back at school and have lots of homework to do that it's best to have the laptop locked to them so they aren't tempted to use it especially in the evenings when they have to do schoolwork and then get to bed early.
I am kept busy with work and housework and taking children to and from training and matches. I love getting out to the matches actually, it's fresh air and a change from being indoors. When the weather is fairly ok I take the younger ones as well with me, for the break. This weekend so far I took 6 children to a soccer match yesterday, which we lost, that cost me a bit in the shop afterwards (chocolate consoles!!!); today I took daughter #3 to a camogie match with her friend, while my other two girls got a lift with their friend to another soccer match. Tomorrow, the eldest daughter will be playing with the local ladies team in a soccer match on the other side of Limerick. So it's all go....
I'm finding it a bit slow to get back up and started blogging again, I have been lurking in here and reading your blogs, but haven't left many comments at all. Also I feel like I should have more photos for you, but I don't and tonight I thought, well, forget the photos, just write!!! I've to get back into the habit of carrying the camera with me again, and having it charged of course!!! For now I am using photos from my archive...
Today is the second day of October, can you believe it??? Apparently it's 12 weeks from today to Christmas Day. More importantly and more immediately, it's 3 weeks until the Midterm break and I can't believe where the time has gone...
I am now the very proud owner of a Spinning wheel, which has come to me via a German lady I 'met' on Ravelry.com. I've been thinking about buying a spinning wheel since 1994!!! Of course now that I have it I discover I am in a very busy period of life, but I console myself that I will have the wheel for a long time so there's no rush!
Hope all is well with you and please do leave a comment, I see from the Flag Counter that there are people from all around the world visiting in here, any comment you would like to leave would be gratefully appreciated and returned!
Hej go'a Liz!
ReplyDeleteKlart jag lämnar en kommentar, när jag nu äntligen fått på mig bloggvandrarskorna och tittar in hos dig. Det har varit uselt med det ett tag. Jag har haft fullt upp med mitt dagliga att skriva lite i min egen blogg. Det blir så ibland och det är bara att gilla läget, som ungdomarna säger.
Bra att du har fixat till så du har koll på döttrarnas datoranvändning. Jag har också Windows 7 numera och är helnöjd.
Visst är det trevligt med foton insprängt i texten och rent pedagogiskt (fniss) gör det ju texten mer lättläst, men det är absolut inget fel att bara skriva text - allra helst som det är så trevlig och meningsfull text som din.
Ha det gott och ta det lugnt med bloggandet om du känner tvång inför det. Jag och flera med mig finns ju i alla fall kvar för dig härute i cyberspace ;)
Soliga kramar från ett soligt Karlstad - förmiddagen var regnig.
Hej Lambergsfrua!
ReplyDeletekommer med ett sent svar till din kommentar, men hursomhelst...
Jag tackar för komplimängen, (rödnar om kinderna..) snälla ord som värmer!
Bloggandet går ganska bra nu igen, jag hinner både skriva i min egen blogg, och läsa andras bloggar, och lämna kommentarer till och med!!
Min nya mobilen har en hyfsad kamera och den har jag börjat använda för att ta bilder, så det kommer att bli fler bilder härframöver...