här kommer 3 bilder av vårtecken hos oss, vad glad jag blir att kylan har släppt greppet. Jag är ju född och uppväxt här, så jag är van vid regn och blåst, det gör mig inget. Jag känner mig hemma under moln, brukar jag säga till värmlänningen. Typ jag skulle föredra att semestra i Skottland än i Spanien.
Jag gillar januari månad: efter jul så känns det skönt att ta bort allt det överflödiga, allt som hade med jul att göra. Ljuset börjar återkomma också, sakta men säkert, allteftersom, och då blir jag glad.
ha det så skoj,
Photo above: first shoots
Photo above: look closely and you will see two tiny white catkins just beginning to come out on the branch in the middle...
Photo above: a cat and a house, and what do you notice? yes, there's no snow!
Like I said, it's green out there, as in the snow has melted and the ice is gone, we had a little bit of black ice this morning, but tomorrow we'll be getting a deep area of low pressure in from the Atlantic and then we'll be getting wind and rain. But if that's what you're used to, (and I am,) then it's ok!
What I like about Ireland is the fact that spring comes so early, in fact I often think we have a long spring, and a long autumn, with a short summer and a short winter tucked in there somewhere inbetween. Whereas in Sweden, they seem to have a more pronounced winter and summer, with short spring and short autumn.
I was out today with my camera, and I took a photo of the house with green grass in front of it, also a shot of my weeping willow, with just two little white catkins peeping out and then a little pot where i have some bulbs planted, you can see the first little shoots peeping up. I absolutely think the first signs of life in spring are fascinating, and I love to go around the garden and check the pots and little places under the trees for the bulbs.
TGIF tomorrow,
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